Friday, December 7, 2007

Books. Check 'em out. Books. Check 'em out.

I tend to read rock star autobiographies. I know there are better books to read in my spare time, but every time I think I'm over the predictable rags to riches tales of our musical forefathers, yet another one is released, I purchase, and then proceed to take an embarrassingly long time (more than 2 days) to finish it.

The lastest was "The Heroin Diaries" by Nikki Sixx, followed directly by Slash's writing debut, simply titled "Slash". He is a simple man. Now, what is interesting about these two is that they both hone in on the same time and space: 1987 Los Angeles, during the height of the glam metal scene. In fact, Slash and Nikki often appear in each other's books, copping heroin as a team, sharing women procured from the Rainbow Bar and Grill or Whiskey A Go Go, and sometimes even playing music together on tour. As you can imagine, even with the assistance of whomever helping them along with their storytelling, the writing never really gets beyond passable in either book, and most of the stories have already been told in other formats; VH1 specials, other books (most notably the classic Motley bible "The Dirt"). Still, its a great simulation of hanging out with these larger than life characters, and an even greater insight into the realm of "band psychology". I hope this becomes a legitimate field of study one day. Maybe I would go back to school.

Last night I entered the Barnes & Noble @Astor Place with the intention to purchase something remotely intelligent. I exited the store with "Conversations with Tom Petty". Shit!